Monday 19 June 2017


My FMP 2017

'Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others'

My final piece consists of all of the theory and experiments I have tried out over the course of the projects without me actually realising it until I gave it some thought. It includes my experimentation into fragility and stability through the towering and balancing of materials, it includes the ever changing through use of ink mixed into the plaster, which will, over the course of the two weeks that the exhibition is open will hopefully change in colour and display the pigmentation the ink is made up of. It of course uses predominantly found objects, which I prefer to use over made objects. Finally, it is the embodiment of my research into hierarchy, and for me, successfully holds the meaning of the quote I chose to use without it being blatant.
In the back, while it isn't visible in the image, is the sketchbook i have actively used throughout the project along with numerous envelopes which each contain a material that I have experimented with- One holds small images of experimentation that I have taken over the course of the project.

While it is a final piece, it also serves as a final experiment. I hadn't experimented with black ink before with plaster, and so decided to try it out, knowing that some black inks are made up of numerous different coloured pigments. At first I wasn't sure whether or not I wanted to use the black ink as the 'plinths' they would be placed upon already contained a lot of various colours. However, I really wanted to try the experiment out, and so made the decision to use the coloured plaster rather than just plain white plaster, which I had considered.
Hopefully, over the course of the next to weeks during which the exhibition takes place, a change of colour in the plaster should take place, and iff not, all of the plaster that I chose to use has different quantities of the ink in, and so still is interesting to look at.

I decided to place my exhibition in the corner of the room because it would give me the opportunity to experiment with using a limited space, unlike last years when my work was in the centre of the room. this year, i decided to place my installation in a way that it would lead the viewers around the room rather than into the corner. Of course, at he suggestion of a fellow classmate, I left a space behind so big enough so that people could walk behind the installation and see it from a different perspective, and I also placed my sketchbook and material envelopes behind as well, so that people would have t go behind so that they could look through the sketchbook.

I am a little worried, however, because the plinths are not solid and move when touched, and could be easily knocked over if someone happened to slightly catch the corner. I would mind if the plinths were to fall over, but it is a health and safety issue if they do fall. 

Overall I am happy with the outcome of my piece as it contains a little bit of everything that I have looked at over the past year. My artist influences haven't changes all that much, which can be seen clearly when comparing last years final piece, however I feel that with the research and experiments I have conducted throughout my FMP, even though they aren't present in the final piece, they have definitely helped me develop my work to a much higher standard than last year.

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