Life Drawing

Life Drawing

At the beginning of life drawing, I started with a media I was most comfortable wth, which was chalk and charcoal. It too a hole to get into life drawing after a year of not doing it, but after a few attempts, I was able to get back into drawing in my style, using my preferred media. I began using only chalk, and then moved on to using chalk and charcoal.

I feel that out of the studies I did during this session, this one was my strongest. The charcoal lines in places were a little too dark and unblended, but in the case of highlighting, I feel that it worked rather well. 
I experimented with using only chalk and not blending it as well, but I feel that it wasn't as strong as previous studies.

The week after, I started off using pencil, and by making simple line drawings. We did an exercise to loosen up in which we were given a set time to draw the study, and with each different pose, the time we were given would decrease.

After using pencil, I decided to use paints, choosing only black, white, and one colour. I chose orange simple because I really liked the colour, and started off by applying the paint and not blending it too much, using black to distinguish the different areas. I then tried using the same colours, but actually blending it properly. I also experimented with using a fork to add texture to the painting, and to add detail into the hair.

I feel that this piece is my strongest of the session because of the care I took in getting the proportions correct. While it isn't my personal favourite, I think it's the strongest because i was experimenting with a media I tend to avoid, and produced a good result.

I then moved back from painting to charcoal, and produced some of my strongest studies during the session within 30 minute poses.

After being off of college for 2 weeks, it was a lot harder to get into doing life drawing as I had the session before. I tried drawing with pencil and with charcoal, however I soon realised that the results weren't going to be as strong because I wasn't using any artists as references. I decided to use the research and experimentation I had done into Oskar Schlemmer in a previous art session.

In particular, I was using a piece he did called 'Slat Dance' a my reference. I started out using curves to indicate are some of the part so fate body were, but then decided to use just lines, and experimented with both black and white pen.
From doing this, I was introduced to Anthony Gormley, who did a series of sculptures that were very similar to a series of sculptures he did.

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